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There are three functions of turf. There are plants in a ground cover and the soil in which they grow. Table Of Contents What is the purpose of turf? The turf’s root system prevents the soil from being carried off

Orchids are shade loving plants and should not be exposed to too much sunlight. Orchids are exposed to a lot of harm in the summer. Table Of Contents Can orchids grow in dark rooms? Orchids thrive on strong lighting indoors,

The turf is tearing because one of the wheels is locked. One stick in forward and the other in reverse will achieve a tight turn without tearing the grass. Table Of Contents How do you stop grass from pulling on

Bag your clippings if your habit is to mow less often. Grass is longer when you mow less often. If you leave long clippings on your lawn, they don’t absorb into the lawn like shorter mulched grass does. Table Of

Self propelled gas lawn mowers, are characterized primarily by the built-in internal combustion engine, which is usually operated with gasoline. Due to the gas engine, a self propelling gas lawn mower works completely self-sufficiently and therefore offers maximum freedom and flexibility when mowing.

If you want to maintain the lushness and beauty of your lawn when the temperatures rise and the days are long, a sprinkler system may well be the right solution to stave off the damage that can be inflicted in the summer

Spring-Flowering Bulb Botanical name: Erythronium americanumFamily Classification: Liliaceae Family (Also known as Dog’s Tooth Violet , American Adder’s Tongue) Native to eastern North America, the Trout Lily is delicate but hardy, with nodding, lily-like yellow blooms. Once matured, these delightful flowers rise

Balloon Flower Herbaceous Perennial Flower Botanical name: Platycodon grandiflorus Family Classification: Campanulaceae Family Balloon-shaped flower buds pop open into beautiful blue, white, pink, or purple flowers in summer. Plants are slow to establish and emerge late in the spring, but