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Consumer reports’ experts recommend washing fruits and vegetables at home to remove pesticides. It is a good idea to lightly clean any produce you are consuming. It’s a good idea to avoid rinsing flowers under running water. If you want

Light is an important factor in the growth and flowering of a Torenia. Plants need shade as well as sun. If the plant is grown in complete shade, it won’t bloom and the foliage will fade if the plant grows

There is a threat of frost in the spring as they are annuals and will die at the first fall frost, but they grow quickly and bloom from early summer until cold weather sets in. The plants are attractive to

Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) belong to the Windflower Family (Convolvulceae) and are native to Central America. In the 15th century they came to Europe and the rest of the world joined in harvesting sweet potatoes due to the Spaniards. Because

Sweet Woodruff Plants Herbaceous Perennial Flower, Herb, Ground Cover Botanical name: Galium odoratumFamily Classification: Rubiaceae Family (Also known as Bedstraw, Sweet-scented bedstraw) A delicate, scented woodland ground cover with tiny white blooms and unique umbrella-like foliage. Grows and spreads easily on moist,

Torenia Plant Annual Flower, Houseplant Botanical name: Torenia fournieri Family Classification: Scrophulariaceae Family (Also known as Wishbone Flower) This annual flower features colorful, Gloxinia-like flowers in shades of pink, white and purple. They are known for their prolific bloomage in the fall

Spring-Flowering Bulb Botanical name: Erythronium americanumFamily Classification: Liliaceae Family (Also known as Dog’s Tooth Violet , American Adder’s Tongue) Native to eastern North America, the Trout Lily is delicate but hardy, with nodding, lily-like yellow blooms. Once matured, these delightful flowers rise