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What type of sprinkler is best for low water pressure?

While sprinklers with fixed heads tend to perform better in low water pressure situations than those that move, you can still find rotating sprinklers that can operate with water pressures under 40 psi. Will sprinkler work with low water pressure?

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What are the advantages of drip irrigation over sprinkler irrigation?

A drip irrigation system can achieve 95-100% water use efficiency is the most efficient irrigation method. This is compared to sprinkler systems that use 80% to 85% water use efficiency. So what is irrigation? Irrigation is the process of applying

Is it healthier to grill with gas or charcoal?

Better for the environment: cooking with gas is better for your health because food prepared on a gas-powered appliance contains fewer carcinogens compared to food that has been charred on a charcoal cooking surface. About 1/3 of a charcoal grill’s

Does shade cloth reduce UV?

Shade sails are one of the most comfortable ways to protect yourself from uvr. Shade cloth provides as much as 95% uv block while still allowing air to pass through for a more pleasant outdoor experience. Can you get sunburnt

Do orchids do well in shade?

Orchids are shade loving plants and should not be exposed to too much sunlight. Orchids are exposed to a lot of harm in the summer. Can orchids grow in dark rooms? Orchids thrive on strong lighting indoors, so you need

Does raking your grass help it grow?

Raking leaves will help your grass grow. A thick layer of fallen leaves can deprive grass of sunlight, which can affect the growth of cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, which are rejuvenated in the fall. What does raking your

What colour tent is coolest in hot weather?

A white canopy will be cooler because it reflects the majority of the sunlight. The light and heat can bounce off of the canopy rather than being absorbed and brought to the people underneath. Does it matter what color your

What color shade cloth is best for Peppers?

The university of georgia has shown that the shade net doesn’t change the leaf surface temperature. Peppers covered with shade cloth or floating row covers are in better shape in our gardens. Do peppers like shade cloth? Shade cloths block

How do I stop my lawn from pulling at zero turns?

The turf is tearing because one of the wheels is locked. One stick in forward and the other in reverse will achieve a tight turn without tearing the grass. How do you stop grass from pulling on a zero turn?

Should I bag my grass in the summer?

Bag your clippings if your habit is to mow less often. Grass is longer when you mow less often. If you leave long clippings on your lawn, they don’t absorb into the lawn like shorter mulched grass does. Is it