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Torenia Plant – A growing guide

Torenia Plant Annual Flower, Houseplant Botanical name: Torenia fournieri Family Classification: Scrophulariaceae Family (Also known as Wishbone Flower) This annual flower features colorful, Gloxinia-like flowers in shades of pink, white and purple. They are known for their prolific bloomage in the fall

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Top 5 Best Home Smokers

More and more people are looking to use a home smoker to prepare their food, the smell of smoky foods wafting through the air can be tantalising and the taste of smoky food delicious. Using a home smoker, your favourite

Top 5 Best Pop up Canopy

Due to their portable nature a pop up canopy can often be preferred to a more permanent structure, they are lightweight and easily portable, making them great for you to set it up and take it down with minimal effort, whenever

Top 5 Best Gazebos

A gazebo can provide a beautiful shelter and sun shade allowing for picnics, family gatherings, or spending leisure time relaxing outside. More commonly is that it a is a great way of getting some well deserved sun shade on a

Trout Lily – A guide to growing

Spring-Flowering Bulb Botanical name: Erythronium americanumFamily Classification: Liliaceae Family (Also known as Dog’s Tooth Violet , American Adder’s Tongue) Native to eastern North America, the Trout Lily is delicate but hardy, with nodding, lily-like yellow blooms. Once matured, these delightful flowers rise

Balloon Flower Growing Guide

Balloon Flower Herbaceous Perennial Flower Botanical name: Platycodon grandiflorus Family Classification: Campanulaceae Family Balloon-shaped flower buds pop open into beautiful blue, white, pink, or purple flowers in summer. Plants are slow to establish and emerge late in the spring, but

Nasturtium and Basil Summer Salad

Nasturtium and Basil Summer Salad Serves 4 Nasturtium flowers are more than just beautiful, they are delicious! They have a wonderful spicy, peppery flavor, a little like a radish, only sweeter and tangier. After growing these lovely flowers in your

Nasturtium Growing Guide

Nasturtium – Both edible and beautiful Annual Flower, Herb Botanical name: Tropaeolum majus  Family Classification: Tropaeolaceae Family Synonym: Tropaeolum nanum (Also known as Garden Nasturtium, Indian Cress) Nasturtium’s orange, yellow or red flowers provide powerful garden color, while the round

10 Best Leaf Blowers 2017 – Buyers Guide

10 Best Leaf Blowers & Vacuums 2017 – Buyers Guide Thinking about making your life a little easier by buying a new leaf blower? Once those golden autumn leaves start falling, putting the rake to the task can be back

Top 5 Best Walk-Behind Lawn Mowers

Does your lawn need some love and attention? We’ve put together a run down of the top 5 best selling lawn mowers for. If you have a big lawn or have hilly mounds or sidehills you might want to take